Why Spider Vein Develops and What Dermatologists Do About Them?

spider vein treatment Jacksonville

Spider or varicose veins can affect more than just how you look. Extreme discomfort may result from these veins. Some varicose veins might lead to side effects including blood clots or open sores on your legs.

With minimally invasive treatment, leg veins can be removed or reduced. Treatment may also minimize adverse effects including pain and tiredness while preventing problems.

Why our Leg Veins are Visible?

Vein injury causes varicose and spider veins. They develop as the veins' tiny, one-way valves start to degenerate. These valves force blood back toward our hearts in healthy veins. When these valves deteriorate, some blood flows backward and accumulates in the vein. The additional blood in the vein presses against its walls.

Some persons are more prone to developing these veins. If family members have them, you are more likely to catch them as well. People who spend the majority of their weekdays standing or sitting still frequently suffer from them. These veins also become more noticeable with aging and during pregnancy.

How Dermatologists Cure Leg Veins?

Treatment options range from self-care to minor surgery. An expert in dermatology may use any of the following techniques:

Self-care: Following advice from your dermatologist can help you increase circulation: 

● Exercise

● Raise your legs.

● Sit for a long time? every 30 minutes, get up and go for a stroll.

● Stand still for a long time? Every 30 minutes, pause.

● Do not spend a lot of time in a hot bath.

Although self-care tips cannot get rid of existing varicose and spider veins, they can aid in halting the growth of new ones.

Compression Stockings: 

To assist in getting the blood back to your heart, these stockings exert consistent pressure. Additionally, constant pressure diminishes the swelling in your lower legs and lowers your risk of developing a blood clot. However, your leg veins will still be visible.


The most typical method of treating leg veins is this. Sclerotherapy has been improved by dermatologists over time to make it safer and give patients better results. It is used by dermatologists for spider vein and tiny varicose veins treatment. 

Laser treatments:

Dermatologists treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins with lasers. During the process, your dermatologist will direct the laser light toward the vein.

Two more modern methods are endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). They frequently serve as a substitute for the need for vein removal surgery.

Both techniques aim to destroy the vein from the inside out. Dermatologists can use EVLT to treat small varicose veins and spider veins.RFA is used to treat large varicose veins. 

The efficiency of the leg vein treatment mostly depends on the doctor. Dermatologists have an edge when doing these operations because many of the breakthroughs that have made leg vein treatments safer and less invasive were created by them. 

You can find a dermatologist who treats spider veinin Jacksonville or elsewhere.


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